Helpful Patient Info
We want you to feel confident and comfortable regarding your procedure.
- This facility is owned and operated by Dr. Jonathan S. Daitch.
- This facility shall provide, upon request an itemized patient statement or bill in accordance with s.395.301, F.S.
- Upon request, an estimate of charges will be provided to patients.
It is imperative that you follow all of the instructions provided by your physician.
Since you will be sedated during your procedure, you must have a driver available to transport you home after surgery.
If you need to cancel your surgery due to an emergency or illness, you must contact the surgery center immediately.
- Please bring your insurance cards and some form of identification.
- If you do not speak English, you should arrange for an interpreter to accompany you throughout your procedure.
- Do not bring any valuables with you including jewelry and watches to the Surgery Center.
- Do not wear contact lenses, hearing aides or make-up.
- Please arrive at your scheduled time.
- Our staff will verify your procedure, surgical site and allergy history
If your procedure requires anesthesia, your anesthesia will be provided by an anesthesiologist or a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). The appropriate type of anesthesia will be determined by your physician in consultation with the anesthesiologist/CRNA and with your approval. Your anesthesiologist/CRNA will answer any of your questions or concerns before the surgery. Even though it is noted in your patient chart, please be sure to inform the anesthesiologist/CRNA if you have taken any medications including over the counter drugs and vitamins, as well as any allergies you may have to medications.
Following your procedure, you will be taken to our fully equipped recovery room where a nurse will closely monitor your vital signs.
Upon being released from the surgery center, a nurse will review the instructions provided by your physician for post operative care.
It is very important for you to follow carefully your physician’s specific orders regarding diet, rest, activities and medications. Our clinical staff will call you later in the day to inquire about your recovery status. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call your physician.
- Services may be provided in this health care facility by the facility, as well as, by other health care providers who may separately bill the patient and who may or may not participate with the same health insurers or health maintenance organizations as the facility.
- Patients and prospective patients may request from this facility and other health care providers a more personalized estimate of charges and other information. Patients and prospective patients should contact each health care practitioner who provides services in the ASC to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations with which the health care practitioner participates as a network provider or preferred provider
- Provide names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the health care practitioners and medical practice groups with which it contracts to provide services in the facility and instructions on how to contact the practitioners and groups to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations with which they participate as network providers or preferred providers. (Anesthesia Partners, LLC)
This link www.Floridahealthfinder.gov will provide our patients the opportunity to review our quality measures data and statistics that are disseminated by AHCA pursuant to s.408.05,F.S.
If at anytime before your scheduled surgery you have questions regarding your procedure, preparation instructions or any other concerns, please contact the Surgery Center. Our staff shares in your well being and wants you to feel confident and comfortable regarding your upcoming procedure.